The web is a synonym for online. Broadly, any training material such as a PDF, video, or Game can be labeled as WBT if it is delivered online. However, in the learning industry, specific training is labeled as WBT.
Generally, a learning or marketing video has a duration of 1 minute to 10 minutes depending upon context and audience. A video is a passive element where it shares information with learners but they cannot interfere with what is delivered.
On the other hand, a game is controlled by the learner. The learner performs certain tasks to complete the different challenges proposed in the game. Here, the learner is in a control of his or her learning. Game is an active element where the learner learns while performing various activities.

Then, there are WBT modules that take a middle path between Videos and Games.
Let's take an example. A client has a content of one hour. The client wants you to create online training and but they have very little time in their hand. They want to launch this training program as quickly as possible.
The content duration is one hour so you cannot suggest creating a video. Generally, people give attention to video content when it is crisp and to the point. Learners get bored if the video is too lengthy and full of information.
Building game is a time-consuming activity. When you have a very less turn-around time then it is better to go with a web-based training option. While creating a web-based training course, you can have limited learner involvement.
A typical web-based training course will have:
- Content screens
- Quizzes
- Activities
- Assessment
Content can be presented in the following form:
You can present the content using a story format.
For example, if you are creating a training program on the induction program, then you build a story around a new person who has recently joined the organization, or
if you are creating a training program on sexual harassment at the workplace then you can build a story around (say) a female employee is harassed by her boss or a colleague.
So, it is similar to making a movie where a director tries to convey his message through a story.
Instead of presenting content using one story, you can use small scenarios to present a part of the content. Sometimes, it may be challenging to come up with a story which will map with all aspects of the content. Instead, you can write different scenarios using different characters for different parts of the content.
You can use avatars or mascots to facilitate the content. These are illustrated characters dubbed as employees of the organization for whom you are creating the training courses. Learners look at these characters as someone who helps them to connect with the content. In short, the avatar plays a role of a teacher, a virtual one.
You can present the content using various infographics images instead of putting bullet points on the white space. This helps the content looks attractive and presentable.
You can use real images along with text to present the content.
If you are using any other method to present the content, please let me know.
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