Source: Freepik When I was searching for popular techniques for productivity, stress management, I got to know that Japan has come up with a lot of them. Some of them sound interesting to me. 1) Kanban: Kanban means a billboard. This billboard is used to track the workflow. You can use the traditional Kanban board to track your daily tasks or projects. It basically uses three columns for tracking: To be done, Doing, and Done. You can simply categorise the tasks into one of the columns. 2) Kaizen: Kai means change and Zen means wisdom. Every one of us wants to change some of our bad habits. But we always give an excuse that we don't have enough time. Am I right? If your answer is then Kaizen is a perfect technique for you. This technique uses the one-minute principle to make a change in your life. For example, you want to start exercising every day, but you do not get time due to your busy work schedule or you may be lazy to do so. To begin with, you may not able ...
I am still a learner in the field of Learning and Development. In this blog, I will try to cover different topics associated with Instructional Design and Elearning.